Why 9-5’s Seem Depressing and How to Mitigate Those Feelings

Depression can come in a very wide variety of forms. Some are obvious while others can be extremely subtle. Over 17 million Americans will have the misfortune to suffer each year from some form of depression. Some people may be used to having the blues. But there are also plenty of people for whom the experience is so new it may not even be recognizable.

Your Depression Can Come From Your Job

Many people reading this won’t be surprised to learn that the grind of a 9 to 5 job can lead to depression.

Part of this may come as a result of the simple mind-numbing repetition of the job itself. Part of it may come from working with fellow employees or bosses that you don’t get along with. You may continue to feel you are underappreciated.
The number of people in America who sought help for their depression in 2020 represented a significant increase from the numbers posted the previous year. The vast majority of the people who participated in surveys testifying to this fact were middle class workers of 9 to 5 jobs. This is further proof that work depression is a very real phenomenon.

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As noted above, work depression can take a large number of forms. People may feel that they are working too hard or too long for too little pay. They may feel cheated out of a pay raise or promotion that they deserve. They may feel that no one at the job really likes them. Finally, they may feel as if there is no one that they can talk to about it.

Are There Noticeable Symptoms of Work Depression?

Work depression can come about in various degrees, ranging from minor to major. It can be a passing feeling of ennui or a debilitating condition. Its effects can be fleeting or long term. There are a number of symptoms that you can note in order to determine whether you are suffering from this condition. If so, you are advised to seek expert help.

You may find yourself eating more in order to compensate for your feelings. You may also find yourself eating less or struggling to maintain a healthy appetite. The job may become so much of a burden that you find yourself looking for excuses to take extra time off. As a result, your level of absenteeism may be noticed by your bosses and co-workers.

Along with absenteeism, you may also find that you are becoming less productive at your job. This may be due to simply putting in less effort to ensure that the quality of your work is at a high standard. It may also be due to you simply producing less. If you are a manager, you may find yourself hanging back at meetings rather than contributing ideas.

Can You Get Help for Work Depression?

There are a number of methods that you can adopt in order to deal with your depression at work. Sometimes it can be as simple as simply finding another job that you like a lot more. It can also sometimes be cured by putting in for a promotion or transfer that puts you in a new and different setting. If you are old enough to retire, this may help you.

If none of these tactics work or are feasible, you may consider going to a therapist. This may be a viable way to help you deal with your concerns. It can also help you to make sense of your ongoing depression. While not foolproof, it makes for an excellent start.