The saying “those who have more give more” is not necessarily true. While this may be the case in some situations, people who have less are also known to be more generous than those who have more. This is especially true when it comes to giving money away.
Many people think that they will naturally be less inclined to give money away when they have less money. However, this isn’t actually the case. In fact, many people with less tend to give away a higher percentage of their income than those with more. Some research shows that individuals of higher class tend to be more immoral.
Why does this happen? There are several reasons:
The Social Recognition Motivates Them to Donate
People who give to the poor are often motivated by a desire for social recognition. They may want to be seen as generous, good people, and they may feel that donating is a way to accomplish this goal.
This desire for social acceptance can be particularly strong when giving to charity is in line with one’s religious beliefs, as many people believe that God will reward their good deeds. In some cases, this may even lead people who have little money and depend on others for financial support to donate because it makes them feel more respected within their community.

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There Is a Sense of Social Obligation to Give Back
Another reason why people who have less give more is because they feel like they owe society something for all the benefits received. Even though these benefits are often not tangible or immediate enough for those receiving them to realize how much they owe society at large.
For example, people who grew up in poverty or were raised by single parents often feel they owe something back. It is because they were given help by others when none was available otherwise; thus, these individuals tend to be more generous than others when it comes time for them to give back in turn.
They Are More Aware of Their Blessings
Rich people tend to think they are entitled to everything they have earned by working hard. Because they have never experienced poverty or hunger, they often take their wealth for granted and become complacent about it. It makes them less likely to share their resources with others who need help.
In contrast, people with less are more aware of their blessings because they know what it feels like to have insufficient money for food or shelter. Because they want others not to experience this type of suffering, they will give whatever they can spare without expectations.
People With Less Give More Because They Know What It Feels Like to Be In Need
People with less give more because they know what it feels like to be in need. A study by Pia Dietz and Eric Knowles found that people who have less give more because they know what it feels like to be in need. The researchers conducted a series of experiments to test whether having less money makes people more likely to give.
In a study, participants were asked to write about either their financial difficulties or how they would spend money on themselves given an unlimited budget. Those who wrote about their finances were then asked to donate money to charity or leave a tip for a waitress — those who had written about their financial problems left more significant leads than those who wrote about spending money on themselves.
Overall, the behavioral findings in this study confirm the proposal that self-affirmation reduces psychological distress and increases deliberate reasoning. The results are consistent with the view that when people perceive themselves to be in a precarious position, they become more sensitive to being valued and validated by others, subsequently engaging in more extensive processing of information about their benefactor.